Work Health and Safety (WHS) – Canberra
Work health and safety (WHS) in Canberra is a subject that all local businesses and organisations need to be aware of. Failures in compliance can result in financial penalties, personal injuries, insurance claims, and reputational damage. In this blog post, we examine how commercial cleaning can assist with work health and safety (WHS) in Canberra.
Falls and Slips
Clean and tidy floors reduce the likelihood of falls and slips in the workplace, whether they involve staff, customers, suppliers, or visitors. Spills, dust, debris, and sticky spots require immediate attention. Regular commercial cleaning can assist in setting the standard for cleanliness and tidiness in the workplace, as well as taking care of more intensive cleaning tasks.
Although most employers have Public Liability and Workers’ Compensation insurance, there are still responsibilities that must be met under work health and safety (WHS) laws in Canberra. Also, many insurance policies contain clauses relating to work health and safety (WHS) compliance. Consequently, it’s imperative to reduce the likelihood of falls and slips in the workplace.
The workplace can harbour many harmful bacteria, including escherichia coli (E. coli), salmonella, staphylococcus, group A streptococcus (GAS), shigella, campylobacter, and listeria. It’s fair to say that regular commercial cleaning is required to keep harmful bacteria under control in workplace bathrooms, toilets, and kitchens. The downside of failing to reduce these bacterial levels is that infected individuals can experience diarrhoea, stomach ache, fever, headache, and vomiting.
Many common viruses, such as influenza, COVID-19, and norovirus, can live on hard surfaces and touchpoints for several days. Viral hotspots include door handles, taps, light switches, kitchen benchtops and appliances, vanity units, desks, and telephone handsets. Wiping down these hotspots with an antibacterial solution – particularly in the colder months – can improve work health and safety (WHS) in Canberra. Most commercial cleaning operators provide surface wiping services.
Harmful moulds in the workplace are often overlooked in work health and safety (WHS). Moulds are fungal growths that thrive in moist and water-damaged environments, such as carpets, drywall, roof cavities, and air-conditioning vents. The infamous black mould (stachybotrys chartarum) is often blamed for sick building syndrome (SBS). Other problematic moulds are alternaria, mucor, aspergillus, aureobasidium, penicillium, and cladosporium. A combination of regular and deep cleaning can assist in combating mould, which can cause sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, and asthma attacks.
Large amounts of dust in the workplace can cause respiratory problems and allergic reactions, as well as trigger asthma episodes. Regular sweeping, mopping, and vacuuming are required to control dust levels, especially indoors. Many commercial cleaners use vacuum cleaners with HEPA filters to deal with indoor dust – improving work health and safety (WHS) in the process.
Mental Health
Work health and safety (WHS) laws in Canberra stress the importance of mental health in the workplace. A clean and tidy workplace is known to improve the mental health, morale, and productivity of staff. Regular commercial cleaning can provide the consistency necessary to maintain a clean and tidy workplace, potentially leading to lower absenteeism and resignation rates.
To learn more about how commercial cleaning can assist with work health and safety (WHS) in Canberra, please call 0415 147 240. Alternatively, please email